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Pawel x Björn Borg

Meet Pawel Krupa, founder of Trime

Who is Pawel Krupa?

I think that slowly I can call myself an entrepreneur but at the same time there is still a long way to go :). I can say that I am full of energy, a creative and hard working polish guy living in Sweden for a while now. Focusing currently on building my company Trime, still working as a Personal Trainer & coach and of course being a young dad to my beautiful son and future husband to my amazing fiance.

What is your relationship to Björn Borg?

I was introduced to the brand through work and we became close partners in ventures and ideas that I have. We have been working & supporting each other for a while now

What is your background within training?

I am a former professional dancer with a background in modern dancing but mostly through my career I was focusing on street dance styles. I am also a big fan of performance training and have experience in kickboxning, muay - thai and football. At the same time I am certified Personal Trainer and a general lover of movement which I have been practicing in different forms all my life.

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