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Plyometric training - Maximize your running

Plyometric training is a form of exercise that focuses on increasing strength, speed and power through rapid muscle contractions.

It is not only an effective method for improving athletic performance, but also an invaluable resource for runners looking to improve their stride and increase their speed, strength and endurance.

plyometric training

What is plyometric training?

Plyometric training involves rapid muscle shortening and lengthening, which utilizes the elastic energy stored in the muscles to increase power and speed. By using explosive exercises, rapid contraction and stretching of the muscles are developed, which improves muscle strength and increases neuromuscular efficiency.

Plyometric training involves explosive exercises and often strength training and jumping. Jumps as well as scissor jumps and lunges are common examples of exercises within plyometric training.

Plyometric training

Examples of plyometric exercises

  • Box Jumps: Place a box in front of you and jump onto it with both feet. Land softly and repeat.

  • Jumping Lunge: Perform a lunge, then jump up and switch legs in the air. Repeat in a steady rhythm.

  • Burpees: Start standing, do a push-up, jump up and finish with a jump squat. Repeat for an intense full-body workout.

  • High Knee Lifts: Run forward and lift your knees as high as possible with each step.

  • Bounding: Take long, powerful strides with maximum stretch in each stride.

Do this:

  • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • Begin with a normal running step position.

  • Swing your arms naturally to create movement and balance.

  • Jump powerfully forward from one leg to the other.

  • Extend the free leg as far forward as possible.

  • While jumping, use your arms to create extra power.

  • Swing your arms forward in a coordinated motion to maximize forward motion.

  • Land softly on the front foot with bent knees to absorb the impact.

  • Extend the landed leg and continue forward in the next jump.




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Benefits of plyometric training for running

  1. Improved running speed: Plyometric training increases muscle strength and speed, which directly affects your running speed.

  2. Increased endurance: By improving the muscle's ability to absorb and create force, the risk of injury is reduced and endurance is increased during longer runs.

  3. Faster Strength Development: Plyometric training is known to promote rapid strength development, making it especially useful for runners who want to increase their performance in a short period of time.

  4. Improved Running Technique: Plyometric training helps improve muscle coordination and neuromuscular efficiency, which can translate into improved running technique.

  5. Reduced Risk of Injury: By strengthening the muscles around the joints and improving the ability to absorb force, plyometric training can reduce the risk of injury, especially in long-distance running.

  6. Effective Use of Time: Plyometric training provides quick results and can be integrated into your running training program without requiring long sessions.

  7. Mental Strength: The exercises require focus and concentration, which strengthens the mental aspect of running.




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Plyometric training

Strength training for runners

By including strength training in your running training, you can create a well-balanced and sustainable training routine. Strength training not only strengthens large muscle groups but also stabilizing muscles around joints, reducing the risk of injury. Good strength exercises for runners are, for example, lunges, squats and hip lifts - these are also exercises that you can easily include weight with, by holding dumbbells or kettlebells, for example.

Plyometric training is a powerful resource for runners striving to maximize their performance. By incorporating these explosive exercises into your training, you can experience a noticeable increase in speed, strength and endurance. The form of training is suitable for all levels and also helps to improve both balance and coordination.

Do you want more inspiration about running? Check out our articles on interval running, running technique, and be inspired by stylish running clothes.

Take your training and running to the next level with plyometric training - every jump and every step gets you closer to your fitness goals.

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