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Stories / Training

Circuit training - 6 effective exercises

Circuit training is a fun form of exercise that combines both cardio and strength. You perform all the exercises one after the other with either very short or preferably no rest at all in between.

Here is a circuit workout with 6 effective exercises that train the whole body.

Warm up with, for example, a few minutes of jogging on the treadmill and some arm circles and walk outs to warm up the body.

Do either 10 repetitions per exercise and go straight to the next, or 1 minute per exercise and then start the next.

Do 3 rounds with 1-2 minutes of rest between each set.

Circuit training


10 repetitions x 3 sets alternatively 1 min x 3 sets

Circuit training


10 repetitions x 3 sets alternatively 1 min x 3 sets

Circuit training

Squat jumps

10 repetitions x 3 sets alternatively 1 min x 3 sets

Circuit training

Biceps Curl

10 repetitions per arm x 3 sets alternatively 1 min x 3 sets

Circuit training


1 min x 3 sets

Circuit training


10 repetitions per leg x 3 sets alternatively 1 min x 3 sets

What is circuit training & what are the benefits?

Circuit training is a fun form of exercise that combines both fitness and strength. You perform all the exercises one after the other with either very short or no rest at all between exercises. It will be a fast and effective workout that will challenge both your muscles and your heart rate. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Fun - Circuit workouts are versatile and fun and you can combine different exercises to make it a really good workout for the whole body.

  • Flexible - You can perform circuit training both at home and at the gym, with or without equipment, and also in different ways. Choose whether you want to do a number of repetitions of an exercise or whether you want to do a timed circuit session where you do each exercise for a certain amount of time. Why not compete against yourself and bet on completing a certain number of reps in a set time?

  • Fast & efficient - Circuit training is a fast and efficient workout session - perfect if you're short on time but still want to train your whole body in an efficient way.

  • Improves muscle growth & heart health - Doing high repetitions with short rests works the slow-twitch muscle fibers and makes you last longer, which helps increase muscle growth. The consistently high heart rate during the session strengthens the heart and improves your lung capacity.

  • Adaptable training - Circuit training is very adaptable and suitable for both beginners and experienced. Start from yourself and adapt exercises, repetitions and time and increase as you get stronger.

    Do you want more tips on high-intensity training? Check out our articles with a HIIT session and Tabata training.

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