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Collections / Find your Tribe / Interviews / Stories

Alice Stenlöf @alicestenlof

Collections / Find your Tribe / Interviews / Stories

Meet our Tribe : Alice Stenlöf, a Swedish entrepreneur and founder of A-DSGN "I’m so excited and proud for being a part of @bjornborg!."

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Find your Tribe / Stories

Sometimes you need to let go and leave your everyday life behind. We brought our Tribe for an amazing adventure up in the North of Sweden to work out and recharge.

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Collections / Find your Tribe

Find a tribe that light you up, guide you, and motivate you. Find someone that pushes you, someone that makes you join a workout. We want to inspire you to join our Björn Borg Tribe.

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Collections / Find your Tribe / Training

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger! That's what we've been taught. But how come no one ever taught us why? At Björn Borg, we love to train, not to become the world champions of anything, but to become the best versions of ourselves. Because we don't live to train. We train to live.

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Collections / Find your Tribe

This season is all about highlighting the importance of coming together, something we certainly took for granted at the beginning of last year.

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Find your Tribe

Our new Finnish brand ambassador Robin Packalen is one of Scandinavia’s biggest superstars. The charismatic and talented artist is now ready to enter the global arena. He likes to play with contrasts in his music – and in his style.

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Find your Tribe

We’re proud to announce our new ambassador, stylist and content creator @mrjulls:

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Find your Tribe / Training

Our new health coach. A fitness professional based in Stockholm. In his daily work, he trains clients, manages a boutique studio and inspires his community to get stronger and feel better.

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Find your Tribe

Training means a lot to me. Training has helped me both physically and mentally.

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Find your Tribe

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve liked the products and brand of Björn Borg.  But later on - as I’ve been working out more - sportswear has become a big part of my everyday wardrobe I can often be seen wearing a grey or black sweatsuit from Björn Borg.

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Find your Tribe / Interviews

We're proud to announce our new ambassador, entrepreneur and founder of Nootka

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Find your Tribe

Björn Borg has always been with me throughout my entire life. It's a brand that I have been familiar with for a long time. I'm so happy to be working together with a brand that I've worn as a kid and still do

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