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Développement durable

Better Together

Making products is not sustainable. Period.

We can make it better though.

We can use better materials, dye and print in better harmony with nature.

We can save water, energy and chemicals. We can transport people and goods in ways that do the least harm. And we can, not the least, make sure that the people who work for us do so in a safe and clean environment under fair conditions.

We have pledged to decrease our carbon footprint by 50% by 2030 (from 2020) following the UN 1.5° climate goal.

All our clothes are classified as a better choice s of the autumn/winter 2021 collection. This means that they are either made of a minimum of 70% more sustainable material , or support our investment in Better Cotton.

If you like numbers, here are a few of our upcoming goals:

Bags: 50% of collection classified more sustainable by 2023 and 100% by 2025

Footwear: 30% by 2023, 50% by 2025.

Packaging: 100% classified as more sustainable and easily recyclable constructions by 2023.

If you don't like numbers, let's just say that we are fully devoted to meeting the 1.5° climate goal, which brings sustainability to the top three priorities for our business.

Following the overall company sustainability goals, every single person within the company will have a "green" goal next year.

Let's do this together. We continue following the Agenda 2030 pathway, you reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Take care!🌱

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