
Pawel x Björn Borg

I think that slowly I can call myself an entrepreneur but at the same time there is still a long way to go :). I can say that I am full of energy, a creative and hard working polish guy living in Sweden for a while now. Focusing currently on building my company Trime, still working as a Personal Trainer & coach and of course being a young dad to my beautiful son and future husband to my amazing fiance.

I was introduced to the brand through work and we became close partners in ventures and ideas that I have. We have been working & supporting each other for a while now

I am a former professional dancer with a background in modern dancing but mostly through my career I was focusing on street dance styles. I am also a big fan of performance training and have experience in kickboxning, muay - thai and football. At the same time I am certified Personal Trainer and a general lover of movement which I have been practicing in different forms all my life.

What are your best tips to keep a healthy lifestyle?

Balance. In everything we do, it can be in training, food or work. We need times where we push hard and times where we relax. You need that nice ice-cream sometimes as well as a bit of rest or simply time for yourself or with your loved ones. "Healthy" is also very different for different people, find what works for you and have fun doing it.

What is your favorite type of workout and why?

Some would say - a lot of burpees - haha. I feel that I enjoy the most performance training with a clear goal either specifically for sports or for enhancing your skills. However I love to sweat so I guess more sweat is more fun!

Stories / Training

Learn more about the rowing machine. Improve your fitness, strength, and endurance at home and at the gym.

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Stories / Training

Join us on the dips workout where we show some different examples of dips exercises.

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Stories / Training

Here you will get tips on pregnancy exercises to train the pelvic floor, abs and back.

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Stories / Training

Read more about Calisthenics and learn exercises you can add to your training routine.

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