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Train to live

At Björn Borg we love to train, but not to become world champions of any kind, but to become the best version of ourselves. We don't live to train - we train to live. #traintolive

Our ambition, indeed the basis and why we do what we do, is to inspire others to become better through training. With sport and exercise, we can become more, both in body, soul and mind. You can be anything you want.

Where do you want to be, what are your goals? In order to set up a plan for how to reach them, you need to look in the mirror and see where you are today, from there you can move forward.

Train to live

Training goals

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"I've always been a great advocate of routines and especially now, when every day seems to be the same, it helps me to have a regular everyday life. I like to wake up in the morning and / or do a yoga session in the evening to get my nerves to calm down and the mind. " @bynrobyn

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